
June 16, 2015

Oh My Cute.

If I have learned anything as a new mommy over the past 7 months, it's this: In order to maintain some level of sanity, you MUST focus on the cute. Your best laid plans will be consistently foiled by perfectly timed projectile vomits, insanely large diaper dumps (how did poop get THERE?), ear-piercing shrieks with no obvious cause or solution, refusals to eat without double-fisting messy baby spoons (how did avocado get THERE?), and so on and so forth.

Case and point, yesterday I was changing a diaper on the way out the door to meet a friend...and my hand sanitizer pump decided to spray liquid fire in a sweeping arc over the changing table and directly into Baby Cakes' eye. After 20 minutes of frantic eye-flushing over the sink, calls to both the pediatrician and then Poison Control, and a good cry on both our parts, we were again ready to head out to our froyo date (though alcohol seemed more appealing than ice cream at that point).

Equally constant in the world of mommyhood, though, are moments of sheer delight and heart melting adorableness. The crooked baby grin with a mouth full of sweet potato, the peal of giggles watching mommy's amazing kitchen dance moves, the sleepy head burrowing into your shoulder, the look of wonder when Baby discovers he can do something he couldn't quite do yesterday.

So to my exhausted, beautiful mama friends still wearing yesterday's spit up laden nursing tank and worn out yoga pants, I propose a choice. Today, let's focus on the cute. Let's take a collected deep breath and remember that all of this mess truly is a beautiful one. And tomorrow morning, on Groundhog Day, let's do it over again. Because these amazing, frustrating, precious, baffling, sweet sweet babies are a gift. And we have a good Giver who provides every bit of strength and joy we ask for. Amen!

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